Back to School Dinner-Part 2

We have been busy bees around here getting Queen Bee ready to leave for college.  We drop her off tomorrow and I am an emotional wreck.  I am really going to miss seeing her everyday.  Although it's hard for her dad and me, I am excited for her.  She is such an amazing girl and I'm sure will have a wonderful experience.   Okay, enough of the mommy tears...on to happier memories.  

I wanted to share a few more pictures of our back to school dinners today.  One of my favorite ways to decorate the table for back to school dinner is to cover the table with paper and let the kids draw on it to decorate themselves.  You can use black paper with chalk or white paper with crayons, they each look great and the kids have a lot of fun decorating the table.

The kids love making a wish for the new school year and blowing out their candles in an apple (pictured above). 

Below is the table I did for Queen Bee's first day of high school back-to-school dinner.  Her school colors were yellow and brown which is pretty unfortunate for the most part.  However, they did make a pretty back-to-school table setting which is a bonus. When your school colors match sunflowers how can you go wrong?  

Here is the picture I promised last time...well, sort of.  Here is my little lunch lady in her hair-net.  This was one of our favorite back-to-school dinners.  We had a blast being the lunch ladies.  I'm sure gonna miss this girl (yes, I'm crying now).  Love you Magnolia!

Meaningful Father's Day Gift Idea Your Kids Can Make-Dad's Special Box

Meaningful Father's Day Gift Idea Your Kids Can Make-Dad's Special Box

OHH Special Box

One of Worker Bee's favorite Father's Day gifts of all time has been his "special box" that Queen Bee and I made him about 10 years ago.  We started with an unfinished wood box that you can buy at most craft stores.  Then we printed out our favorite pictures of Queen Bee and her dad and some quotes that we liked.  We decoupaged the pictures, quotes, some pictures she colored, and scrapbook paper onto the box.  Finally, We added a little paint and then glued some embellishments on it.  It was a really fun craft project. Queen Bee really enjoyed being creative and making something special for her dad.

OHH Special Box

Inside the box we decoupaged an outline of Queen Bee's handprint and a little quote about memories.  

OHH Special Box

Worker Bee uses the box to keep all of his special cards, letters, pictures she's made him, and small keepsakes.  

Graduation Party- Kids Buffet

Graduation Party-Kids Buffet


My favorite thing at the graduation party was that we had  an area in our yard designated as the kids zone with the kids tables, a teepee, crayons, paper, and a clothes line to hang the pictures they drew and best of all-A KIDS BUFFET!  What little kid would choose to have a pulled pork sandwich over dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets?  The kids buffet also had assorted juice boxes, veggie cups with ranch in the bottom, and of course any kids buffet wouldn't be complete without ketchup.  When decorating the kids buffet table I kept with our retro travel and adventure theme with a small globe, retro toy camera, and tiny wagon.  


Why are kids more likely to eat their veggies when they are displayed in a darling red wagon, in their own little yellow cup, with a spoonful of ranch?  I can't explain it, but it's a fact.


To see what the biggest hit of our graduation party was click on the link below.   Here's a hint...How can you go wrong when your guests can roast their very own marshmallows?